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Is there anybody out there?

"What is the chance that alien life exists? Nasa's latest mission - the Kepler Space Telescope due to launch on Friday night to survey the heavens for Earth-like planets - could take us a step closer to an answer. Kathryn...

Category: Space


Greenwash: Coal industry tries to hide dirty facts behind 'clean' claims

"Misleading and duplicitous ads on 'clean coal' cannot camouflage the stench of fossil fuels"


China to plough extra 20% into agricultural production amid fears that climate change will spark food crisis

"Wen Jiabao announces extra money to boost farm yields, raise rural incomes and invest in renewable energy"

Category: Climate Change


Bionic eye gives blind man sight

"A man who lost his sight 30 years ago says he can now see flashes of light after being fitted with a bionic eye."


Geoengineering: Big problems need big solutions

"Climate change is a massive problem that needs big and bold solutions, says Professor Tim Lenton. In this week's Green Room, he outlines the reasons why "geo-engineering" projects, such as reflecting sunlight back into space,...

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 1406 to 1410 out of 2977